Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to Breakout Session I | (A&G)

    2. Molecular Hydrogen as a Potential Modulator of Brain Metabolism | Prof. Sergej M. Ostojic, MD, PhD. | (A&G)

    3. Molecular Hydrogen: Brief Overview of History, Action and Uses | Prof. John Hancock, PhD. | (A&G)

    4. From Energy to Evolution: The Origin of Hydrogen Functions in Eukaryote | Prof. Xuemei Ma, PhD. | (A&G)

    5. From the Fundamental Principle of H2 Medicine to the Development of H2-delivering Biomaterials | Prof. Qianjun He, PhD. | (A&G)

    6. The Place of Hydrogen in the Family of Medical Gases | Prof. Eugene Iv. Nazarov, MSc., PhD. | (A)

    7. Therapeutic Potential of Hydrogen Gas in Mitigating Redox Dysregulation and Pathologies | Prof. Svetlana N. Radyuk, PhD. | (A&G)

    8. What Does Molecular Hydrogen Do in Cells? Explaining the Biological Effects | Prof. John Hancock, PhD. | (A&G)

    9. Orchestration of Intestinal Homeostasis and Inflammation by Microbial Hydrogen Economy | Prof. Li Ge, PhD. | (A)

    10. Molecular hydrogen inhibits neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury by promoting microglia M2 polarization via AMPK-dependent mediation of HDAC5 | Prof. Wanchao Yang, MD, PhD. | (A)

    11. Evolutionary Role of Hydrogen: Investigating Hydrogenase Enzymes and Whether Orthologs are Found in the Human Proteome | Grace Russell, MSc, PhD. | (A&G)

    12. Neuroprotective Effects and Mechanisms of Molecular Hydrogen for Neurological Disorders | Jiayuan Zhai, PhD. Student | (A)

    13. Theory of H2 Activity: Exploring the potential mechanisms | Grace Russell, MSc, PhD. | (A&G)

    1. Welcome to the Breakout Session II | (A&G)

    2. Alleviation of systemic oxidative stress by intraoperative molecular hydrogen administration | Prof. Jan Slezak, MD., DSc. | (A&G)

    3. Hydrogen Nanobubbles Protect the Heart from Oxidative Damage | Dr. Garth L. Nicolson, PhD, MD (H) | (A)

    4. Therapeutic potential of hydrogen-rich water on muscle atrophy caused by immobilization in a mouse model | Prof. Majid Khazaei, MD., PhD. | (A&G)

    5. Hydrogen: A novel mitochondrial nutrient | Prof. Jiangang Long, PhD. (A&G)

    6. Promising Role of Drinking Hydrogen-rich Water (HRW) on Obesity-induced Oxidative Damage, Inflammation, and Statin-induced Adverse Effects in High-fat Diet Animal Model | Dr. Seyedeh Elnaz Nazari, PhD. (A&G)

    7. Molecular Hydrogen as a New Prevention and Treatment Option for Radiation-induced Heart Disease | Branislav Kura, RNDr., PhD. (A)

    8. Hydrogen Inhalation Therapy for Post-Cardiac Arrest Syndrome: A Novel and Promising Approach | Prof. Masaru Suzuki, MD, PhD. (A&G)

    9. Hydrogen Inhalation for Improving Health and Quality of Life (QoL) in the Elderly | Asst. Prof Darinka Korovljev, PhD. | (A)

    10. Molecular hydrogen: prospective treatment strategy of kidney damage after cardiac surgery | Barbora Kalocayova, MSc., PhD. (A)

    11. Stem Cell Priming: Potential Benefits of Intraosseous Hydrogen Therapy | Dr. Mikhail Artamonov, MD, PhD. (A&G)

    12. Hydrogen Rich-water as a New Therapy for Neuropathic Pain and the Emotional Disorders Associated | Dr. Olga Pol, PhD. | (A)

    13. Therapeutic Effects of HRW on Sleep Apnea | Yuxi Wei, MSc. candidate | (A)

    14. Hydrogen-rich Water as an Adjunct Treatment in Sport Injuries | Dejan Javorac, MSc. | (A)

    15. Effects of HRW on Blood Pressures Variability | Prof Dr Ram B Singh, MBBS, MD, DTNH | (A)

    16. The Therapeutic Potential of Oxyhydrogen Gas in Oncology: A Study on Epstein–Barr Virus-Immortalized B-Lymphoblastoid (TK6) Cells | Grace Russell, MSc, PhD. | (A&G)

    17. Experience in the use of molecular hydrogen and a mixture of hydrogen-nitric oxide in heart surgery under conditions of artificial blood circulation | Prof. Eugene Iv. Nazarov, MSc., PhD. | (A)

    18. Hydrogen Bath as an Innovative Approach to Improve Post-exercise Recovery | Nikola Todorović, MSc. | (A)

    19. The Impact of Hydrogen-rich Water on Cytokine Expression and Symptom Relief in Patients with Keloid | Prof. Youbin Wang, MD. | (A)

    20. The Role of Mast Cells in Remodeling Effects of Molecular Hydrogen on the Lung Local Tissue Microenvironment | Dr. Dmitrii Atiakshin, MD. | (A)

    1. Take a break - Have lunch

    1. Welcome to Breakout Session III | (A&G)

    2. Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water Can Enhance the Nutritional Benefits of Foods | Prof. Duried Alwazeer, PhD. | (G)

    3. Antioxidant effect of hydrogen-rich water might be higher in high gut microbiota methane (CH4) -producers | Prof. Oleg S. Medvedev, MD, PhD. (G)

    4. Use of Hydrogen in Food Processes Improves the Nutritional, Sensory, and Physicochemical Properties and Extends the Shelf Life of Product | Prof. Duried Alwazeer, PhD. | (A&G)

    5. Hydrogen intake relieves alcohol consumption and hangover symptoms in healthy individuals: a randomized and placebo-controlled crossover study | Prof. Guohua Song, PhD. | (A&G)

    6. Oxidative Modification of Proteins in Colorectal Cancer Under the Influence of 5-Fluorouracil and Molecular Hydrogen | Prof. Oleh Pokotylo, PhD.

    7. The Beneficial Effects of Hydrogen-rich Saline Irrigation on Allergic Rhinitis | Prof. Dr. Shaoqing Yu, PhD. | (A)

    8. Hydrogen Application in Food Processes Enhances the Safety of Product | Prof. Duried Alwazeer, PhD. | (A&G)

    9. Hydrogen as potential coral medicine: A promising approach in the battle against coral bleaching? | Malte Ostendarp, PhD. Candidate | (A)

About this course

  • $275.00
  • 68 lessons
  • 19 hours of video content